
Roboclaw driver class

roboclaw driver module contains the roboclaw driver class that controls the roboclaw via a UART serial

class roboclaw.roboclaw.Roboclaw(serial_obj, address=128, retries=3, packet_serial=True)[source]

A driver class for the RoboClaw Motor Controller device.

  • serial_obj (Serial) – The serial obj associated with the serial port that is connected to the RoboClaw.
  • address (int) – The unique address assigned to the particular RoboClaw. Valid addresses range [0x80, 0x87].
  • retries (int) – The amount of attempts to read/write data over the serial port. Defaults to 3.
packet_serial = None

this bool represents if using packet serial mode.


The Address of the specific Roboclaw device on the object’s serial port Must be in range [0x80, 0x87]

send_random_data(cnt, address=None)[source]

Send some randomly generated data of of a certain length. Don’t know what this would be used for, but it was in the original driver code…

Parameters:cnt (int) – the number of bytes to randomly generate.
forward_m1(val, address=None)[source]

Drive motor 1 forward.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is 0 - 127. A value of 127 = full speed forward, 64 = about half speed forward and 0 = full stop.
backward_m1(val, address=None)[source]

Drive motor 1 backwards.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is 0 - 127. A value of 127 full speed backwards, 64 = about half speed backward and 0 = full stop.
set_min_voltage_main_battery(val, address=None)[source]

Sets main battery (B- / B+) minimum voltage level. If the battery voltages drops below the set voltage level, RoboClaw will stop driving the motors. The voltage is set in .2 volt increments. The minimum value allowed which is 6V.

Parameters:val (float) – The valid data range is [6, 34] Volts.
set_max_voltage_main_battery(val, address=None)[source]

Sets main battery (B- / B+) maximum voltage level. During regenerative breaking a back voltage is applied to charge the battery. When using a power supply, by setting the maximum voltage level, RoboClaw will, before exceeding it, go into hard braking mode until the voltage drops below the maximum value set. This will prevent overvoltage conditions when using power supplies.

Parameters:val (float) – The valid data range is [6, 34] Volts.
forward_m2(val, address=None)[source]

Drive motor 2 forward.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is [0, 127]. A value of 127 full speed forward, 64 = about half speed forward and 0 = full stop.
backward_m2(val, address=None)[source]

Drive motor 2 backwards.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is [0, 127]. A value of 127 full speed backwards, 64 = about half speed backward and 0 = full stop.
forward_backward_m1(val, address=None)[source]

Drive motor 1 forward or reverse.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is [0, 127]. A value of 0 = full speed reverse, 64 = stop and 127 = full speed forward.
forward_backward_m2(val, address=None)[source]

Drive motor 2 forward or reverse.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is [0, 127]. A value of 0 = full speed reverse, 64 = stop and 127 = full speed forward.
forward_mixed(val, address=None)[source]

Drive forward in mix mode.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is [0, 127]. A value of 0 = full stop and 127 = full forward.
backward_mixed(val, address=None)[source]

Drive backwards in mix mode.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is [0, 127]. A value of 0 = full stop and 127 = full reverse.
turn_right_mixed(val, address=None)[source]

Turn right in mix mode.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is [0, 127]. A value of 0 = stop turn and 127 = full speed turn.
turn_left_mixed(val, address=None)[source]

Turn left in mix mode.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is [0, 127]. A value of 0 = stop turn and 127 = full speed turn.
forward_backward_mixed(val, address=None)[source]

Drive forward or backwards.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is [0, 127]. A value of 0 = full backward, 64 = stop and 127 = full forward.
left_right_mixed(val, address=None)[source]

Turn left or right.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid data range is [0, 127]. A value of 0 = full left, 64 = stop turn and 127 = full right.

Read M1 encoder count/position.

Returns:[Enc1(4 bytes), Status, crc16(2 bytes)]

Quadrature encoders have a range of 0 to 4,294,967,295. Absolute encoder values are converted from an analog voltage into a value from 0 to 4095 for the full 5.1v range.

The status byte tracks counter underflow, direction and overflow. The byte value represents:

  • Bit0 - Counter Underflow (1= Underflow Occurred, Clear After Reading)
  • Bit1 - Direction (0 = Forward, 1 = Backwards)
  • Bit2 - Counter Overflow (1= Underflow Occurred, Clear After Reading)
  • Bit3 through Bit7 - Reserved

Read M2 encoder count/position.

Returns:[EncoderCount(4 bytes), Status]

Quadrature encoders have a range of 0 to 4,294,967,295. Absolute encoder values are converted from an analog voltage into a value from 0 to 4095 for the full 5.1v range.

The Status byte tracks counter underflow, direction and overflow. The byte value represents:

  • Bit0 - Counter Underflow (1= Underflow Occurred, Cleared After Reading)
  • Bit1 - Direction (0 = Forward, 1 = Backwards)
  • Bit2 - Counter Overflow (1= Underflow Occurred, Cleared After Reading)
  • Bit3 through Bit7 - Reserved

Read M1 counter speed. Returned value is in pulses per second. MCP keeps track of how many pulses received per second for both encoder channels.

Returns:[Speed(4 bytes), Status]

Status indicates the direction (0 – forward, 1 - backward).


Read M2 counter speed. Returned value is in pulses per second. MCP keeps track of how many pulses received per second for both encoder channels.

Returns:[Speed(4 bytes), Status]

Status indicates the direction (0 – forward, 1 - backward).


Will reset both quadrature decoder counters to zero. This command applies to quadrature encoders only.


Read RoboClaw firmware version. Returns up to 48 bytes(depending on the Roboclaw model) and is terminated by a line feed character and a null character.

Returns:[“MCP266 2x60A v1.0.0”,10,0]

The command will return up to 48 bytes. The return string includes the product name and firmware version. The return string is terminated with a line feed (10) and null (0) character.

set_enc_m1(cnt, address=None)[source]

Set the value of the Encoder 1 register. Useful when homing motor 1. This command applies to quadrature encoders only.

set_enc_m2(cnt, address=None)[source]

Set the value of the Encoder 2 register. Useful when homing motor 2. This command applies to quadrature encoders only.


Read the main battery voltage level connected to B+ and B- terminals.

Returns:The voltage is returned in 10ths of a volt (eg 30.0).

Read a logic battery voltage level connected to LB+ and LB- terminals. The voltage is returned in 10ths of a volt(eg 50 = 5v).

Returns:[Value.Byte1, Value.Byte0]
set_min_voltage_logic_battery(val, address=None)[source]

Sets logic input (LB- / LB+) minimum voltage level. RoboClaw will shut down with an error if the voltage is below this level. The voltage is set in .2 volt increments. The minimum value allowed which is 6V.

Parameters:val (float) – The valid data range is [6, 34].


This command is included for backwards compatibility. We recommend you use set_logic_voltages() instead.

set_max_voltage_logic_battery(val, address=None)[source]

Sets logic input (LB- / LB+) maximum voltage level. RoboClaw will shutdown with an error if the voltage is above this level.

Parameters:val (float) – The valid data range is [6, 34].


This command is included for backwards compatibility. We recommend you use set_main_voltages() instead.

set_m1_velocity_pid(p, i, d, qpps, address=None)[source]

Several motor and quadrature combinations can be used with RoboClaw. In some cases the default PID values will need to be tuned for the systems being driven. This gives greater flexibility in what motor and encoder combinations can be used. The RoboClaw PID system consist of four constants starting with QPPS, P = Proportional, I= Integral and D= Derivative.

  • p (int) – The default P is 0x00010000.
  • i (int) – The default I is 0x00008000.
  • d (int) – The default D is 0x00004000.
  • qpps (int) – The default QPPS is 44000.

QPPS is the speed of the encoder when the motor is at 100% power. P, I, D are the default values used after a reset.

set_m2_velocity_pid(p, i, d, qpps, address=None)[source]

Several motor and quadrature combinations can be used with RoboClaw. In some cases the default PID values will need to be tuned for the systems being driven. This gives greater flexibility in what motor and encoder combinations can be used. The RoboClaw PID system consist of four constants starting with QPPS, P = Proportional, I= Integral and D= Derivative.

  • p (int) – The default P is 0x00010000.
  • i (int) – The default I is 0x00008000.
  • d (int) – The default D is 0x00004000.
  • qpps (int) – The default QPPS is 44000.

QPPS is the speed of the encoder when the motor is at 100% power. P, I, D are the default values used after a reset.


Read the pulses counted in that last 300th of a second. This is an unfiltered version of read_speed_m1(). This function can be used to make a independent PID routine. Value returned is in encoder counts per second.

Returns:[Speed(4 bytes), Status]

The Status byte is direction (0 – forward, 1 - backward).


Read the pulses counted in that last 300th of a second. This is an unfiltered version of read_speed_m2(). This function can be used to make a independent PID routine. Value returned is in encoder counts per second.

Returns:[Speed(4 bytes), Status]

The Status byte is direction (0 – forward, 1 - backward).

duty_m1(val, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 using a duty cycle value. The duty cycle is used to control the speed of the motor without a quadrature encoder.

Parameters:val (int) – The duty value is signed and the range [-32767, 32767] (eg. +-100% duty).
duty_m2(val, address=None)[source]

Drive M2 using a duty cycle value. The duty cycle is used to control the speed of the motor without a quadrature encoder.

Parameters:val (int) – The duty value is signed and the range [-32767, 32767] (eg. +-100% duty).
duty_m1_m2(m1, m2, address=None)[source]

Drive both M1 and M2 using a duty cycle value. The duty cycle is used to control the speed of the motor without a quadrature encoder.

  • m1 (int) – The duty value is signed and the range [-32767, 32767] (eg. +-100% duty).
  • m2 (int) – The duty value is signed and the range [-32767, 32767] (eg. +-100% duty).
speed_m1(val, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 using a speed value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will turn. This command is used to drive the motor by quad pulses per second. Different quadrature encoders will have different rates at which they generate the incoming pulses. The values used will differ from one encoder to another. Once a value is sent the motor will begin to accelerate as fast as possible until the defined rate is reached.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid input ranges [-2147483647, 2147483647].
speed_m2(val, address=None)[source]

Drive M2 with a speed value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will turn. This command is used to drive the motor by quad pulses per second. Different quadrature encoders will have different rates at which they generate the incoming pulses. The values used will differ from one encoder to another. Once a value is sent, the motor will begin to accelerate as fast as possible until the rate defined is reached.

Parameters:val (int) – Valid input ranges [-2147483647, 2147483647].
speed_m1_m2(m1, m2, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 and M2 in the same command using a signed speed value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will turn. This command is used to drive the motor by quad pulses per second. Different quadrature encoders will have different rates at which they generate the incoming pulses. The values used will differ from one encoder to another. Once a value is sent the motor will begin to accelerate as fast as possible until the rate defined is reached.

  • m1 (int) – Valid input ranges [-2147483647, 2147483647].
  • m2 (int) – Valid input ranges [-2147483647, 2147483647].
speed_accel_m1(accel, speed, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 with a signed speed and acceleration value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration values are not signed. This command is used to drive the motor by quad pulses per second and using an acceleration value for ramping. Different quadrature encoders will have different rates at which they generate the incoming pulses. The values used will differ from one encoder to another. Once a value is sent the motor will begin to accelerate incrementally until the rate defined is reached.

The acceleration is measured in speed increase per second. An acceleration value of 12,000 QPPS with a speed of 12,000 QPPS would accelerate a motor from 0 to 12,000 QPPS in 1 second. Another example would be an acceleration value of 24,000 QPPS and a speed value of 12,000 QPPS would accelerate the motor to 12,000 QPPS in 0.5 seconds.

speed_accel_m2(accel, speed, address=None)[source]

Drive M2 with a signed speed and acceleration value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration value is not signed. This command is used to drive the motor by quad pulses per second and using an acceleration value for ramping. Different quadrature encoders will have different rates at which they generate the incoming pulses. The values used will differ from one encoder to another. Once a value is sent the motor will begin to accelerate incrementally until the rate defined is reached.

The acceleration is measured in speed increase per second. An acceleration value of 12,000 QPPS with a speed of 12,000 QPPS would accelerate a motor from 0 to 12,000 QPPS in 1 second. Another example would be an acceleration value of 24,000 QPPS and a speed value of 12,000 QPPS would accelerate the motor to 12,000 QPPS in 0.5 seconds.

speed_accel_m1_m2(accel, speed1, speed2, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 and M2 in the same command using one value for acceleration and two signed speed values for each motor. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration value is not signed. The motors are sync during acceleration. This command is used to drive the motor by quad pulses per second and using an acceleration value for ramping. Different quadrature encoders will have different rates at which they generate the incoming pulses. The values used will differ from one encoder to another. Once a value is sent the motor will begin to accelerate incrementally until the rate defined is reached.

The acceleration is measured in speed increase per second. An acceleration value of 12,000 QPPS with a speed of 12,000 QPPS would accelerate a motor from 0 to 12,000 QPPS in 1 second. Another example would be an acceleration value of 24,000 QPPS and a speed value of 12,000 QPPS would accelerate the motor to 12,000 QPPS in 0.5 seconds.

speed_distance_m1(speed, distance, buffer, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 with a signed speed and distance value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The distance value is not signed. This command is buffered. This command is used to control the top speed and total distance traveled by the motor. Each motor channel M1 and M2 have separate buffers. This command will execute immediately if no other command for that channel is executing, otherwise the command will be buffered in the order it was sent. Any buffered or executing command can be stopped when a new command is issued by setting the Buffer argument. All values used are in quad pulses per second.

The Buffer argument can be set to a 1 or 0. If a value of 0 is used the command will be buffered and executed in the order sent. If a value of 1 is used the current running command is stopped, any other commands in the buffer are deleted and the new command is executed.

speed_distance_m2(speed, distance, buffer, address=None)[source]

Drive M2 with a speed and distance value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The distance value is not signed. This command is buffered. Each motor channel M1 and M2 have separate buffers. This command will execute immediately if no other command for that channel is executing, otherwise the command will be buffered in the order it was sent. Any buffered or executing command can be stopped when a new command is issued by setting the Buffer argument. All values used are in quad pulses per second.

The Buffer argument can be set to a 1 or 0. If a value of 0 is used the command will be buffered and executed in the order sent. If a value of 1 is used the current running command is stopped, any other commands in the buffer are deleted and the new command is executed.

speed_distance_m1_m2(speed1, distance1, speed2, distance2, buffer, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 and M2 with a speed and distance value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The distance value is not signed. This command is buffered. Each motor channel M1 and M2 have separate buffers. This command will execute immediately if no other command for that channel is executing, otherwise the command will be buffered in the order it was sent. Any buffered or executing command can be stopped when a new command is issued by setting the Buffer argument. All values used are in quad pulses per second.

The Buffer argument can be set to a 1 or 0. If a value of 0 is used the command will be buffered and executed in the order sent. If a value of 1 is used the current running command is stopped, any other commands in the buffer are deleted and the new command is executed.

speed_accel_distance_m1(accel, speed, distance, buffer, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 with a speed, acceleration and distance value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration and distance values are not signed. This command is used to control the motors top speed, total distanced traveled and at what incremental acceleration value to use until the top speed is reached. Each motor channel M1 and M2 have separate buffers. This command will execute immediately if no other command for that channel is executing, otherwise the command will be buffered in the order it was sent. Any buffered or executing command can be stopped when a new command is issued by setting the Buffer argument. All values used are in quad pulses per second.

The Buffer argument can be set to a 1 or 0. If a value of 0 is used the command will be buffered and executed in the order sent. If a value of 1 is used the current running command is stopped, any other commands in the buffer are deleted and the new command is executed.

speed_accel_distance_m2(accel, speed, distance, buffer, address=None)[source]

Drive M2 with a speed, acceleration and distance value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration and distance values are not signed. This command is used to control the motors top speed, total distanced traveled and at what incremental acceleration value to use until the top speed is reached. Each motor channel M1 and M2 have separate buffers. This command will execute immediately if no other command for that channel is executing, otherwise the command will be buffered in the order it was sent. Any buffered or executing command can be stopped when a new command is issued by setting the Buffer argument. All values used are in quad pulses per second.

The Buffer argument can be set to a 1 or 0. If a value of 0 is used the command will be buffered and executed in the order sent. If a value of 1 is used the current running command is stopped, any other commands in the buffer are deleted and the new command is executed.

speed_accel_distance_m1_m2(accel, speed1, distance1, speed2, distance2, buffer, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 and M2 with a speed, acceleration and distance value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration and distance values are not signed. This command is used to control both motors top speed, total distanced traveled and at what incremental acceleration value to use until the top speed is reached. Each motor channel M1 and M2 have separate buffers. This command will execute immediately if no other command for that channel is executing, otherwise the command will be buffered in the order it was sent. Any buffered or executing command can be stopped when a new command is issued by setting the Buffer argument. All values used are in quad pulses per second.

The Buffer argument can be set to a 1 or 0. If a value of 0 is used the command will be buffered and executed in the order sent. If a value of 1 is used the current running command is stopped, any other commands in the buffer are deleted and the new command is executed.


Read both motor M1 and M2 buffer lengths. This command can be used to determine how many commands are waiting to execute.

Returns:[BufferM1, BufferM2]

The return values represent how many commands per buffer are waiting to be executed. The maximum buffer size per motor is 64 commands(0x3F). A return value of 0x80(128) indicates the buffer is empty. A return value of 0 indiciates the last command sent is executing. A value of 0x80 indicates the last command buffered has finished.


Read the current PWM output values for the motor channels. The values returned are +/-32767. The duty cycle percent is calculated by dividing the Value by 327.67.

Returns:[M1 PWM(2 bytes), M2 PWM(2 bytes)]

Read the current draw from each motor in 10ma increments. The amps value is calculated by dividing the value by 100.

Returns:[M1 Current(2 bytes), M2 Currrent(2 bytes)]
speed_accel_m1_m2_2(accel1, speed1, accel2, speed2, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 and M2 in the same command using one value for acceleration and two signed speed values for each motor. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration value is not signed. The motors are sync during acceleration. This command is used to drive the motor by quad pulses per second and using an acceleration value for ramping. Different quadrature encoders will have different rates at which they generate the incoming pulses. The values used will differ from one encoder to another. Once a value is sent the motor will begin to accelerate incrementally until the rate defined is reached.

The acceleration is measured in speed increase per second. An acceleration value of 12,000 QPPS with a speed of 12,000 QPPS would accelerate a motor from 0 to 12,000 QPPS in 1 second. Another example would be an acceleration value of 24,000 QPPS and a speed value of 12,000 QPPS would accelerate the motor to 12,000 QPPS in 0.5 seconds.

speed_accel_distance_m1_m2_2(accel1, speed1, distance1, accel2, speed2, distance2, buffer, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 and M2 in the same command using one value for acceleration and two signed speed values for each motor. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration value is not signed. The motors are sync during acceleration. This command is used to drive the motor by quad pulses per second and using an acceleration value for ramping. Different quadrature encoders will have different rates at which they generate the incoming pulses. The values used will differ from one encoder to another. Once a value is sent the motor will begin to accelerate incrementally until the rate defined is reached.

The acceleration is measured in speed increase per second. An acceleration value of 12,000 QPPS with a speed of 12,000 QPPS would accelerate a motor from 0 to 12,000 QPPS in 1 second. Another example would be an acceleration value of 24,000 QPPS and a speed value of 12,000 QPPS would accelerate the motor to 12,000 QPPS in 0.5 seconds.

duty_accel_m1(accel, duty, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 with a signed duty and acceleration value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration values are not signed. This command is used to drive the motor by PWM and using an acceleration value for ramping. Accel is the rate per second at which the duty changes from the current duty to the specified duty.

The duty value is signed and the range is -32768 to +32767(eg. +-100% duty). The accel value range is 0 to 655359(eg maximum acceleration rate is -100% to 100% in 100ms).

duty_accel_m2(accel, duty, address=None)[source]

Drive M2 with a signed duty and acceleration value. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration values are not signed. This command is used to drive the motor by PWM and using an acceleration value for ramping. Accel is the rate at which the duty changes from the current duty to the specified dury.

The duty value is signed and the range is -32768 to +32767 (eg. +-100% duty). The accel value range is 0 to 655359 (eg maximum acceleration rate is -100% to 100% in 100ms).

duty_accel_m1_m2(accel1, duty1, accel2, duty2, address=None)[source]

Drive M1 and M2 in the same command using acceleration and duty values for each motor. The sign indicates which direction the motor will run. The acceleration value is not signed. This command is used to drive the motor by PWM using an acceleration value for ramping.

The duty value is signed and the range is -32768 to +32767 (eg. +-100% duty). The accel value range is 0 to 655359 (eg maximum acceleration rate is -100% to 100% in 100ms).


Read the PID and QPPS Settings.

Returns:[P(4 bytes), I(4 bytes), D(4 bytes), QPPS(4 byte)]

Read the PID and QPPS Settings.

Returns:[P(4 bytes), I(4 bytes), D(4 bytes), QPPS(4 byte)]
set_main_voltages(minimum, maximum, address=None)[source]

Set the Main Battery Voltage cutoffs, Min and Max. Min and Max voltages are in 10th of a volt increments. Multiply the voltage to set by 10.

set_logic_voltages(minimum, maximum, address=None)[source]

Set the Logic Battery Voltages cutoffs, Min and Max. Min and Max voltages are in 10th of a volt increments. Multiply the voltage to set by 10.


Read the Main Battery Voltage Settings. The voltage is calculated by dividing the value by 10

Returns:[Min(2 bytes), Max(2 bytes)]

Read the Logic Battery Voltage Settings. The voltage is calculated by dividing the value by 10

Returns:[Min(2 bytes), Max(2 bytes)]
set_m1_position_pid(kp, ki, kd, kimax, deadzone, minimum, maximum, address=None)[source]

The RoboClaw Position PID system consist of seven constants starting with P = Proportional, I= Integral and D= Derivative, MaxI = Maximum Integral windup, Deadzone in encoder counts, MinPos = Minimum Position and MaxPos = Maximum Position. The defaults values are all zero.

Position constants are used only with the Position commands, 65,66 and 67 or when encoders are enabled in RC/Analog modes.

set_m2_position_pid(kp, ki, kd, kimax, deadzone, minimum, maximum, address=None)[source]

The RoboClaw Position PID system consist of seven constants starting with P = Proportional, I= Integral and D= Derivative, MaxI = Maximum Integral windup, Deadzone in encoder counts, MinPos = Minimum Position and MaxPos = Maximum Position. The defaults values are all zero.

Position constants are used only with the Position commands, 65,66 and 67 or when encoders are enabled in RC/Analog modes.


Read the Position PID Settings.

Returns:[P(4 bytes), I(4 bytes), D(4 bytes), MaxI(4 byte), Deadzone(4 byte), MinPos(4 byte), MaxPos(4 byte)]

Read the Position PID Settings.

Returns:[P(4 bytes), I(4 bytes), D(4 bytes), MaxI(4 byte), Deadzone(4 byte), MinPos(4 byte), MaxPos(4 byte)]
speed_accel_deccel_position_m1(accel, speed, deccel, position, buffer, address=None)[source]

Move M1 position from the current position to the specified new position and hold the new position. Accel sets the acceleration value and deccel the decceleration value. QSpeed sets the speed in quadrature pulses the motor will run at after acceleration and before decceleration.

speed_accel_deccel_position_m2(accel, speed, deccel, position, buffer, address=None)[source]

Move M2 position from the current position to the specified new position and hold the new position. Accel sets the acceleration value and deccel the decceleration value. QSpeed sets the speed in quadrature pulses the motor will run at after acceleration and before decceleration.

speed_accel_deccel_position_m1_m2(accel1, speed1, deccel1, position1, accel2, speed2, deccel2, position2, buffer, address=None)[source]

Move M1 & M2 positions from their current positions to the specified new positions and hold the new positions. Accel sets the acceleration value and deccel the decceleration value. QSpeed sets the speed in quadrature pulses the motor will run at after acceleration and before decceleration.

set_m1_default_accel(accel, address=None)[source]

Set the default acceleration for M1 when using duty cycle commands (duty_m1() and duty_m1_m2()) or when using Standard Serial, RC and Analog PWM modes.

set_m2_default_accel(accel, address=None)[source]

Set the default acceleration for M2 when using duty cycle commands (duty_m2() and duty_m1_m2()) or when using Standard Serial, RC and Analog PWM modes.

set_pin_functions(s3mode, s4mode, s5mode, address=None)[source]

Set modes for S3,S4 and S5.

Mode S3mode S4mode S5mode
0 Default Disabled Disabled
1 E-Stop(latching) E-Stop(latching) E-Stop(latching)
2 E-Stop E-Stop E-Stop
3 Voltage Clamp Voltage Clamp Voltage Clamp
4   M1 Home M2 Home
Mode Description
  • Disabled: pin is inactive.
  • Default: Flip switch if in RC/Analog mode or E-Stop(latching) in Serial modes.
  • E-Stop(Latching): causes the Roboclaw to shutdown until the unit is power cycled.
  • E-Stop: Holds the Roboclaw in shutdown until the E-Stop signal is cleared.
  • Voltage Clamp: Sets the signal pin as an output to drive an external voltage clamp circuit.
  • Home(M1 & M2): will trigger the specific motor to stop and the encoder count to reset to 0.

Read mode settings for S3,S4 and S5. See set_pin_functions() for mode descriptions

Returns:[S3mode, S4mode, S5mode]
set_deadband(minimum, maximum, address=None)[source]

Set RC/Analog mode control deadband percentage in 10ths of a percent. Default value is 25(2.5%). Minimum value is 0(no DeadBand), Maximum value is 250(25%).


Read DeadBand settings in 10ths of a percent.

Returns:[Reverse, SForward]

Reset Settings to factory defaults.


Read the board temperature. Value returned is in 10ths of degrees.

Returns:[Temperature(2 bytes)]

Read the second board temperature(only on supported units). Value returned is in 10ths of degrees.

Returns:[Temperature(2 bytes)]

Read the current unit status.

Function Status Bit Mask
Normal 0x0000
M1 OverCurrent Warning 0x0001
M2 OverCurrent Warning 0x0002
E-Stop 0x0004
Temperature Error 0x0008
Temperature2 Error 0x0010
Main Battery High Error 0x0020
Logic Battery High Error 0x0040
Logic Battery Low Error 0x0080
Main Battery High Warning 0x0400
Main Battery Low Warning 0x0800
Termperature Warning 0x1000
Temperature2 Warning 0x2000

Read the encoder pins assigned for both motors.

Returns:[Enc1Mode, Enc2Mode]
set_m1_encoder_mode(mode, address=None)[source]

Set the Encoder Pin for motor 1. See read_encoder_modes().

set_m2_encoder_mode(mode, address=None)[source]

Set the Encoder Pin for motor 2. See read_encoder_modes().


Writes all settings to non-volatile memory. Values will be loaded after each power up.


Read all settings from non-volatile memory.

Returns:[Enc1Mode, Enc2Mode]


Concerning TTL Serial: If baudrate changes or the control mode changes communications will be lost.

set_config(config, address=None)[source]

Set config bits for standard settings.

Function Config Bit Mask
RC Mode 0x0000
Analog Mode 0x0001
Simple Serial Mode 0x0002
Packet Serial Mode 0x0003
Battery Mode Off 0x0000
Battery Mode Auto 0x0004
Battery Mode 2 Cell 0x0008
Battery Mode 3 Cell 0x000C
Battery Mode 4 Cell 0x0010
Battery Mode 5 Cell 0x0014
Battery Mode 6 Cell 0x0018
Battery Mode 7 Cell 0x001C
Mixing 0x0020
Exponential 0x0040
MCU 0x0080
BaudRate 2400 0x0000
BaudRate 9600 0x0020
BaudRate 19200 0x0040
BaudRate 38400 0x0060
BaudRate 57600 0x0080
BaudRate 115200 0x00A0
BaudRate 230400 0x00C0
BaudRate 460800 0x00E0
FlipSwitch 0x0100
Packet Address 0x80 0x0000
Packet Address 0x81 0x0100
Packet Address 0x82 0x0200
Packet Address 0x83 0x0300
Packet Address 0x84 0x0400
Packet Address 0x85 0x0500
Packet Address 0x86 0x0600
Packet Address 0x87 0x0700
Slave Mode 0x0800
Relay Mode 0x1000
Swap Encoders 0x2000
Swap Buttons 0x4000
Multi-Unit Mode 0x8000


Concerning TTL Serial: * If control mode is changed from packet serial mode when setting config communications will be lost! * If baudrate of packet serial mode is changed communications will be lost!


Read config bits for standard settings See set_config().

Returns:[Config(2 bytes)]
set_m1_max_current(maximum, address=None)[source]

Set Motor 1 Maximum Current Limit. Current value is in 10ma units. To calculate multiply current limit by 100.

set_m2_max_current(maximum, address=None)[source]

Set Motor 2 Maximum Current Limit. Current value is in 10ma units. To calculate multiply current limit by 100.


Read Motor 1 Maximum Current Limit. Current value is in 10ma units. To calculate divide value by 100. MinCurrent is always 0.

Returns:[MaxCurrent(4 bytes), MinCurrent(4 bytes)]

Read Motor 2 Maximum Current Limit. Current value is in 10ma units. To calculate divide value by 100. MinCurrent is always 0.

Returns:[MaxCurrent(4 bytes), MinCurrent(4 bytes)]
set_pwm_mode(mode, address=None)[source]

Set PWM Drive mode. Locked Antiphase(0) or Sign Magnitude(1).


Read PWM Drive mode. See set_pwm_mode().

read_eeprom(ee_address, address=None)[source]

Read a value from the User EEProm memory(256 bytes).

Returns:[Value(2 bytes)]
write_eeprom(ee_address, ee_word, address=None)[source]

Get Priority Levels.

Roboclaw serial commands

Serial Command Enums

class roboclaw.serial_commands.Cmd[source]

the domain of key/value pairs used for serial commands to the roboclaw. Each command represents a specfic function of the Roboclaw driver.


The forward_m1 command byte


The backward_m1 command byte


The set_min_voltage_main_battery command byte


The set_max_voltage_main_battery command byte


The forward_m2 command byte


The backward_m2 command byte

M17BIT = 6

The forward_backward_m1 command byte

M27BIT = 7

The forward_backward_m2 command byte


The forward_mixed command byte


The backward_mixed command byte


The turn_right_mixed command byte


The turn_left_mixed command byte


The forward_backward_mixed command byte


The left_right_mixed command byte


The read_encoder_m1 command byte


The read_encoder_m2 command byte


The read_speed_m1 command byte


The read_speed_m2 command byte


The reset_encoders command byte


The read_version command byte


The set_enc_m1 command byte


The set_enc_m2 command byte


The read_main_battery_voltage command byte


The read_logic_battery_voltage command byte


The set_min_voltage_logic_battery command byte


The set_max_voltage_logic_battery command byte


The set_m1_velocity_pid command byte


The set_m2_velocity_pid command byte


The read_raw_speed_m1 command byte


The read_raw_speed_m2 command byte

M1DUTY = 32

The duty_m1 command byte

M2DUTY = 33

The duty_m2 command byte


The duty_m1_m2 command byte

M1SPEED = 35

The speed_m1 command byte

M2SPEED = 36

The speed_m2 command byte


The speed_m1_m2 command byte


The speed_accel_m1 command byte


The speed_accel_m2 command byte


The speed_accel_m1_m2 command byte


The speed_distance_m1 command byte


The speed_distance_m2 command byte


The speed_distance_m1_m2 command byte


The speed_accel_distance_m1 command byte


The speed_accel_distance_m2 command byte


The speed_accel_distance_m1_m2 command byte


The read_buffer_length command byte


The read_pwms command byte


The read_currents command byte


The speed_accel_m1_m2_2 command byte


The speed_accel_distance_m1_m2_2 command byte


The duty_accel_m1 command byte


The duty_accel_m2 command byte


The duty_accel_m1_m2 command byte


The read_m1_velocity_pid command byte


The read_m2_velocity_pid command byte


The set_main_voltages command byte


The set_logic_voltages command byte


The read_min_max_main_voltages command byte


The read_min_max_logic_voltages command byte


The set_m1_position_pid command byte


The set_m2_position_pid command byte


The read_m1_position_pid command byte


The read_m2_position_pid command byte


The speed_accel_deccel_position_m1 command byte


The speed_accel_deccel_position_m2 command byte


The speed_accel_deccel_position_m1_m2 command byte


The set_m1_default_accel command byte


The set_m2_default_accel command byte


The set_pin_functions command byte


The read_pin_functions command byte


The set_deadband command byte


The get_deadband command byte


The restore_defaults command byte


The read_temp command byte


The read_temp2 command byte


The read_error command byte


The read_encoder_modes command byte


The set_m1_encoder_mode command byte


The set_m2_encoder_mode command byte


The write_nvm command byte


The read_nvm command byte


The set_config command byte


The get_config command byte


The set_m1_max_current command byte


The set_m2_max_current command byte


The read_m1_max_current command byte


The read_m2_max_current command byte


The set_pwm_mode command byte


The read_pwm_mode command byte


The read_eeprom command byte


The write_eeprom command byte


The command byte


CRC16 data manipulation

A module for manipulating dat including generating CRC values and datatype constraints. For more information on how CRC algorithms work:

roboclaw.data_manip.make_poly(bit_length, msb=False)[source]

Make int “degree polynomial” in which each bit represents a degree who’s coefficient is 1

  • bit_length (int) – The amount of bits to play with
  • msb (bool) – True make only the MSBit 1 and the rest a 0. False makes all bits 1.
roboclaw.data_manip.crc16(data, deg_poly=4129, init_value=0)[source]

Calculates a checksum of 16-bit length

roboclaw.data_manip.crc32(data, deg_poly=23302, init_value=5592405)[source]

Calculates a checksum of 32-bit length. Default deg_poly and init_value values are BLE compliant.

roboclaw.data_manip.crc_bits(data, bit_length, deg_poly, init_value)[source]

Calculates a checksum of various sized buffers

  • data (bytearray) – This bytearray of data to be uncorrupted.
  • bit_length (int) – The length of bits that will represent the checksum.
  • deg_poly (int) – A preset “degree polynomial” in which each bit represents a degree who’s coefficient is 1.
  • init_value (int) – This will be the value that the checksum will use while shifting in the buffer data.
roboclaw.data_manip.validate16(data, deg_poly=4129, init_value=0)[source]

Validates a received data by comparing the calculated 16-bit checksum with the checksum included at the end of the data

roboclaw.data_manip.validate(data, bit_length, deg_poly, init_value)[source]

Validates a received checksum of various sized buffers

  • data (bytearray) – This bytearray of data to be uncorrupted.
  • bit_length (int) – The length of bits that will represent the checksum.
  • deg_poly (int) – A preset “degree polynomial” (in which each bit represents a degree who’s coefficient is 1) as a quotient.
  • init_value (int) – This will be the value that the checksum will use while shifting in the buffer data.

True if data was uncorrupted. False if something went wrong. (either checksum didn’t match or payload is altered).

UART Serial with context manager For MicroPython

This module contains a wrapper class for MicroPython’s UART or CircuitPython’s UART class to work as a drop-in replacement to Serial object.


This helper class does not expose all the pySerial API. It’s tailored to this library only. That said, to use this:

from roboclaw.usart_serial_ctx import SerialUART as UART
serial_bus = UART()
with serial_bus:
    serial_bus.read_until() # readline() with timeout
    serial_bus.in_waiting() # how many bytes in the RX buffer
    serial_bus.close() # same as UART.deinit()
# exit ``with`` also calls machine.UART.deinit()