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Roboclaw driver library and examples adapted for python3 and circuitpython and micropython

Optimizations applied to the original code include UART Serial I/O & CRC checking. These optimizations are meant to allow your application to run faster than the vanilla python library offered by BasicMicro.


The best way to make sure you have the latest version of this library is by cloning the repository, and running the python setup script.

git clone htpps://
cd python-roboclaw
python install


Once you have installed the library, you can import it into your python application. Please note that the roboclaw requires a USB serial connection as well as the main power source (or battery) for the motors connected to the “+” & “-” terminals for proper communication. In your applications code, you need only import the Roboclaw driver class.

from python_roboclaw import Roboclaw
from serial import Serial

serial_obj = Serial('dev/ttyUSB0', 38400) # default baudrate is 38400
rclaw = RoboClaw(serial_obj)
rclaw.forward_backward_mixed(64) # stops both motors

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